Sunday, July 24, 2011

july 23, 2011 - DAY TWO

So I've decided that instead of updating this right after my last stretching session of the day, I'll wait until the next morning :) This is because last night I finished stretching at about midnight and was too lazy to post this :) That is why the title date will differ from the post date- but the title date will be the actual date that I stretched, if that makes sense. Anyway :)

I did not notice any drastic improvement while I was stretching, although that is to be expected considering it's only day two :) I am, however, looking for some more back flexibility excercises. This is the only one I do right now:

And I feel that this isn't doing enough for my back. Anywho, I held my toes for ten seconds again! It was basically excruciating but I just kept thinking "SPLITS, SPLITS, SPLITS" to myself. This is going to be a difficult journey, I can tell already!

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