Friday, July 29, 2011

july 28 and 29, 2011 - DAYS SEVEN AND EIGHT

So last night, the 28th, I REEEEALLY didn't want to stretch. I was in the middle of a painting and I just really wanted to finish the painting instead of stretch- but I MADE myself stretch cause I want my splits so bad! And I'm REALLY glad I did because it was an awesome stretching day! I held my toes for TWENTY seconds! Not 10 but 20! So not only did I beat my goal a day early, I doubled it!!

It might not seem like much but I am so happy!! Also, I have a lesson later today (the 29th) and I'm leaving for the rink in a couple hours, so I went ahead and stretched this morning. I know I'm gonna stretch again before my lesson and probably again tonight, so that'll be productive :)

I held my toes for 20 seconds again this morning, just because I wanted to have the finality of doing it on the day the goal was supposed to be reached, haha :) Now, my next goal is:

on august 12, 2011, two weeks from today, i will be able to reach and touch my toes, when sitting, and hold for at least 10 seconds.

Wish me luck!!

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