My Stretching Routine!

These are the stretches I do on a daily basis, as per request :) I'll put in a picture of each stretch as well.

WARMUP: I usually jog for around 5 minutes, then do 40 jumping jacks, 30 high knees, and 20 high skips... wierd routine haha but it works for me :) In between each of those sets, I try to go as far as I can to touch my toes. 

Then I do each of these, for 30 seconds each, usually only 2 reps. I do them in this order but it might not really matter:

Toes my toes! I do a lot of reps of this in between the other stretches.

I also do this one, holding 30 seconds to the right, left, and middle.
Butterfly stretch!

I usually do my standing touch-toes again before the sitting stretches.

I sit in a straddle position and hold each toe for 30 seconds.

Sit in a straddle and reach for the middle, hold for 30 seconds

Sit with legs together and reach for toes- OWWW!
Not sure what this is called, but I call it the Caterpillar! It's for back flexibility.

This was shared with me by someone on skating forums- it's also for back flexibility. :)

Lunges- in both directions to stretch hip flexors :)
Jazz splits- although I do these with my hips squared, so the front of my back thigh is touching the ground. I think this stretches hip flexors and back.

And then, of course, the splits!! I obviously can't get this far, but I go down as far as I can and hold it.
And that's all the stretches I do every night!! I hope some of y'all found this helpful... I'll be putting it in a post as well as a tab :)